RAC is a working group of Reston Citizens Association, partnering throughout the greater Reston community to improve access for persons with mobility disabilities.
Reston, Virginia, was founded in the early 1960s as a community which would insure, among other founding goals, “That the importance and dignity of each individual be the focal point for all planning, and take precedence for large-scale concepts.” (A Place Called Reston, 2007, New Town Publications, Inc., Reston, Virginia.)
Reston Accessibility Committee was created by RCA early in 2008 to advocate for barrier-free access for persons with physical disabilities. The initial emphasis is to secure safe and comfortable access to a variety of establishments for customers and residents with mobility impairments.
Our first project was the Sunrise Valley Center Curb Ramp Replacement Project, completed in June 2008. See photos of this project below.
Launched in 1967, Reston Citizens Association (RCA) is dedicated to protecting and advancing the quality of life principles upon which Reston was founded. It serves as a forum for issues affecting the community, and as a voice for Reston before county and state government bodies. RCA information is available at its web site, www.restoncitizensassociation.org.
Wheelchair Accessibility Before Wheelchair Accessibility After